
Showing posts from May, 2019


As a modern teenager, I am always surrounded by media. It is nearly impossible to escape media because it is everywhere. I feel that media makes me and majority of teens' lives. Whether I am scrolling through Instagram, watching YouTube, or even just walking down the street where there is advertising, media is everywhere. Media distracts me from doing my homework, going to sleep, etc. Media has made my attention span shorter. I don't feel like I am addicted, but I know many of my friends could not go a week without their phones. Although media for the most part is bad, there still is some good to it, like making plans and talking with friends. I have noticed that being aware of my media consumption has changed the way I look at everything. When I'm watching a TV show or movie, I notice more of the branded products they have in their. Also, in ads I am starting to subconsciously notice the techniques that they are using to try and get the audience to buy their products. ...

China's Point System

In the show Black Mirror, everyone has a rating of 0-5 stars. Each person that you interact with can rate you, and your average rating determines your life. If you have a high score, you have access to the more expensive things. The most elite people have an average rating of 4.6 stars or higher because they are rich or are good-looking. This show basically reflects our world because we base each person off of their looks and their wealth. This idea that if you are rich or good-looking makes you more elite than others comes from media. In media, we praise those who have lots of money, or those who have the "perfect" body. In China, this is a real problem. Their government tracks each person adding or subtracting points from them for being good or bad. If you have a good credit score, they could add points, but if you do something bad, they could subtract points. This point system decides if you could get into a certain school or get a certain job. I don't think tha...

MissRepresentation in Media

Women in America have been misrepresented in media forever now. They are seen as objects all over media like in movies, TV shows, and advertisements. Majority of the times, women are only their for sexual appeal to the audience. They are presented as having no personality. An example of this is in Disney movies. The movies show women, or princesses, trying to find a man to love. Media degrades women. They make women worry about their weight and about their looks. Most girls under the age of 13 are already unhappy with their bodies. The reason behind all of this is media. Media presents this perfect woman that all the men are attracted to. The women who believes that media is reality tries to copy those women. They try to get skinnier but not eating or making themselves vomit, and get plastic surgery to have a smaller nose or have bigger breasts. Men also have it bad. They are taught to be manly and hold their emotions. They become emotionally constipated. If men shows signs of weak...

Are Kids Getting Phones Too Early?

Everywhere you go you can see kids on their phones, unable to talk to each other face to face. Kids are starting to get phones at younger ages and the reason behind that is busy parents who don't have time to spend with their kids. As we progress into the modern world where out lives are filled with technology, parents are using these technologies to entertain their children. Because parents are becoming more busy and they are tired from work, they spend less time with their children, so they just give them phones to entertain them. This connects to the idea where parents just give their kids things to make them stay home and keep them happy. Parents don't actually want to take the work to talk with their children, so they just distract them with phones. Giving kids phones at an early age teaches them a world where they can't live without phones. As they grow up and become teens, they become addicted to their phones and feel that they have to always be connected to medi...

What is the Midriff?

Midriff is a coined termed by Douglas Rushkoff on an episode entitled "Merchants of Cool." Midriffs are teens and young women who's behavior is a mixture of "innocent" and "sexy." The Midriff are teen girls whose behavior is centered around sexuality and narcissism. We can see that girls want to copy the models in media like famous singers and Instagram models. A Midriff icon now is like Ariana Grande who dresses "sexy." Teens and young women want to copy that because it is what media likes and thinks is cool. If you aren't wearing tube tops and showing off skin, then you aren't considered cool. Teens always copy what they see in media. Media plays a big part in influencing what teens and young adults think is cool. When something becomes viral in media, then it become cool thus making teens want to copy what they see in the media. Personally, I think that television shows that include teen life and teen sex. What television sho...

Target vs. Walmart

So which is better, Target or Walmart. I have asked a lot of my friends which store they prefer and majority of them say that they like Target better. I ask them why, but they don't know why. That it is something about how Target is set up just makes them more appealing. They say they get a more inviting and positive vibe whenever they go into a Target. Walmart Stores Inc. is the world's largest retail company with operating around 5,000 stores in the U.S., but its main rival, Target, only operates around 1,822 stores. Target also performs better than Walmart. Walmart may be bigger than Target, but size isn't everything, Size doesn't say how efficiently a company operates. When we compare the two from a financial standpoint, Target is slightly more profitable than Walmart. I think people see Walmart as the place that the lower class people go, and Target as classier and higher class. Walmart does have lower prices than Walmart, but when comparing each item, it is on...

Making Cents out of Teens

Companies all want to boost their sales and to achieve this, they try to appeal to the largest audience they can get and for them nowadays, it's teens. In the modern world, teens have more buying power than they did back then, and that is because parents just give money to them so they will stay happy and stay at home. These companies spend millions of dollars to try and find what is "cool" and "trendy" among teens in modern society. They pay culture spies to hunt for what is "cool" so companies can incorporate these "cool" things into their ads. Companies also conduct polls where they interview groups of teens to find out what is currently hot. However, once teens realize that the "cool" things they like are in ads, their quickly lose interests and move onto something else that they think is cool. With this constant process of teens changing their minds on what is "cool" and what is not, it is nearly impossible for compan...

Do Strict Parents Make Sneaky Kids?

So, do strict parents make sneaky kids, or do sneaky kids create strict parents? I saw this question while scrolling through Instagram and immediately thought that it was a dumb question because my parents were strict and I never was sneaky, but when I scrolled through the comments, there were many different thoughts on this question from many different perspectives. There are many ways in which a parent can raise a child, but there are right and wrong ways. Kids should have respect for parents and should not feel that they can walk over them, but parents should not be so strict in where they are abusing kids. You have to find a middle between being strict and nice.  I believe that parents can be not strict at all and still  have their kids come out fine, but I think there is more that can go wrong with that compared to when the parents are just straight up strict and very straightforward with their children. On the other side, parents who are too nice and too overp...

What's the Deal With Airpods?

"I don't speak broke." That line and other variants have been used many times by Airpod owners talking to people without Airpods. Airpods have been out for 3 years where it was unveiled in 2016, but only last year in 2018 did they start to blow up. The most sold item by Apple in 2018 were Airpods, according to them. During only 2018, they sold over 9 million pairs on Airpods. Back in 2016 when they came out, they were made fun of and people made fun of others for having them because they looked like you had toothbrushes in your ears and the case looked like a dental floss case. Now, everything has changed. Now, people with Airpods are making fun of other people for not having them saying, "Why do your Airpods have wires" or "Sorry, I couldn't hear you because I had my Airpods in." People with Airpods were made fun of for having toothbrushes in their ears, but now everything has changed. Airpods have just become an icon like Apple phones. Peop...