China's Point System
In the show Black Mirror, everyone has a rating of 0-5 stars. Each person that you interact with can rate you, and your average rating determines your life. If you have a high score, you have access to the more expensive things. The most elite people have an average rating of 4.6 stars or higher because they are rich or are good-looking.
This show basically reflects our world because we base each person off of their looks and their wealth. This idea that if you are rich or good-looking makes you more elite than others comes from media. In media, we praise those who have lots of money, or those who have the "perfect" body.
In China, this is a real problem. Their government tracks each person adding or subtracting points from them for being good or bad. If you have a good credit score, they could add points, but if you do something bad, they could subtract points. This point system decides if you could get into a certain school or get a certain job.
I don't think that basing people off of how many points they have is right because it causes people to live in constant fear. They fear of doing something they shouldn't and losing a point. They aren't able to live their lives freely. Points also don't reflect a person's real personality. They may have a good personality, or hardworking, but have a low credit score because they aren't fortunate enough.
I agree that having a point system is wrong. People will never get to experience "real life" because they are always so worried about tracking their next move, and what other people think of them. Comparing yourself to another person literally because of a point system is sure to cause a lot of mental illness because I would literally go insane if I were to try and please everyone I have ever had an interaction with.
ReplyDeleteIt’s almost scary to think that the show black mirror is soon to become a reality. One of the reasons China is in such a bad state is because of this looming figure if the Chinese government spying on people tracking their every move and interaction. This is a fix that the people of China need to stand up and make however I fear it’s already too late.