Target vs. Walmart

Image result for target vs walmartSo which is better, Target or Walmart. I have asked a lot of my friends which store they prefer and majority of them say that they like Target better. I ask them why, but they don't know why. That it is something about how Target is set up just makes them more appealing. They say they get a more inviting and positive vibe whenever they go into a Target.

Walmart Stores Inc. is the world's largest retail company with operating around 5,000 stores in the U.S., but its main rival, Target, only operates around 1,822 stores. Target also performs better than Walmart. Walmart may be bigger than Target, but size isn't everything, Size doesn't say how efficiently a company operates. When we compare the two from a financial standpoint, Target is slightly more profitable than Walmart.

I think people see Walmart as the place that the lower class people go, and Target as classier and higher class. Walmart does have lower prices than Walmart, but when comparing each item, it is only a very small margin. If this is the case, what makes people of the middle to higher class gravitate to shop at Target more. I think that it is because Target is more organized than Walmart. Whenever I go into a Target, everything is neat and stacked. I also feel a positive vibe in there because of the white tiles and red accents everywhere. Whenever I go into a Walmart, it seems negative because their floors are gray and there are products ground.

I personally like Target better. It seems like the Targets that I have been to have wider isles, better organized shelves, and even the touches of red everywhere tell me of youth, energy, and excitement. The customer service is also better in Target because in Walmart, it still lags behind.


  1. I agree with you because I also think that Target is better. Not only do the advertisements appeal to wide variety of people, but they also make it seem familiar to the audience by using the red and white colors that you see all throughout the store. I think Walmart is lacking that aspect when it comes to marketing. I also agree how Target has a positive vibe due to the fact that everything is organized in a strategical way. They definitely need to change their ways of marketing and appealing to catch up to Target.


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