Politics in English Language

Image result for englishBecause of politicians, words in the English language have lost their meaning and the power behind them. Writers who think poorly will show that in their work because they will also write poorly. Things like unoriginal or mixed metaphors, pretentious diction, and abstract or meaningless language. When a writer becomes lazy, they allow their language to think for them. This way, politicians end up following a party line.

Politicians use the language to disguise ugly and concrete realities with complex and abstract words. George Orwell in his essay, "Politics and the English language," talks about how English language is a reflections of the state of society and politics and the idea that language is a natural growth rather than an instrument that we shape for our own purposes derives from that.

By politicians using set phrases, they mimic ideology without thinking. Independent thinking is needed in order to make a strong and powerful speech or writing. Because politicians use this type of language, it causes others to follow as well and it spreads. This causes corrupted language to smother independent, original thinking.

I think that language is a tool and not a natural growth. This means that it is possible to manipulate that tool. However, it does take conscious effort on the writer or speaker's part to mold how that tool is shaped. We just need to be aware and conscious that we are not putting lazy effort into our pieces, and be able to think when we write.


  1. Before taking this class, I never knew how strategic lanuage could be. I agree that it can be a tool used to manipulate and influence, people especially from a politcal perspective. I like what you said about independant thinking a lot, because I think it is really important in this society, where our consumption of media is constant. I also like what you said about writers being lazy, because I think it is important to use our lanuage with care. Our word choice grealty affects the way we communicate.


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